Łódź, Poland

It’s interesting how different historical fates can make two cities, even in the same country, look completely dissimilar. Warsaw was pretty much completely flattened during World War II. Between the Nazis blitzing their way in in 1941, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943, the Warsaw (entire city) uprising of 1944, and the thorough German reprisal

On the Road Again

By most definitions, I am not a “millennial.” I belong to the tail end of “Generation X” (“Generation Y,” by some definitions). But for the last three and a half months, I indulged in that most stereotypically millenial pastime: I was unemployed and living at my parents’ house. Although I didn’t pay rent, I wasn’t

And the Winner is…

…Poznań, Poland. Surprised? I was. Here’s why: As you’ll recall, before setting out on my spring/summer 2018 jaunt through Europe and the world, I identified 14 criteria to use in evaluating each city I visited. And I went on to dutifully record all 14 scores for each of my 18 target cities. (In case you’re