11. Brașov, Romania

Brașov vital statistics: Population (2011): 253,200 (city proper); 369,896 (metro) Latitude & longitude: 45˚ 40′ N, 25˚ 37′ E January average temperature: High -0.3˚C (31.5˚F), low -8.3˚C (17.1˚F) July average temperature: High 24˚C (75.2˚F), low 12.3˚C (54.1˚F) Time zone: GMT+3 (7 hours ahead of U.S. EDT) Language: Romanian Currency: Romanian (new) lei Exchange rate: US$1=4.01

Zagreb, Part 2

My last post left off with me exploring Zagreb, Croatia’s historic upper town. Specifically, I was in what remains of Gradec, one of the two feuding towns that merged in the mid-1800s to become Zagreb. Continuing the Rick Steves Zagreb walk, I approached the Stone Gate, the only surviving gate from the old city wall.